Programs, and not Educational Institutions, will be accredited
Programs will be considered for assessment and accreditation only at the written request of the educational institution and after agreeing to abide by the NBA’s accreditation manual, rules, regulations and notification issued from time to time.
The institution will have to pay accreditation fee as prescribed from time to time by NBA.
The institution will send Self-Assessment Report (SAR) in the prescribed format in respect of each programme to be accredited.
Programs to be accredited should be offered by an educational Institution which has been formally approved as an educational Institution by the AICTE or the concerned regulatory authority. The programme to be accredited should also have the approval of AICTE, except those offered by universities/deemed universities.
The title of a programme to be accredited shall be the same as - shown on the graduating student’s certificate and transcript. All routes leading to the completion of the programme will have to satisfy the accreditation criteria. An evening or part-time programme may also be accredited along with the regular full-time on-campus programme provided it offers the same curriculum and processes, laboratory facilities and physical learning environment and same standards of grading.
The total credits to be earned for the award of the degree shall be uniformly distributed in the various academic years of the programme to the extent possible.
Programs from which at least two batches of students have graduated will be considered for accreditation.
programs will be evaluated in accordance with the accreditation criteria given for various categories of the programs. Accreditation will be based on satisfying the minimum standards.
A two/three days onsite visit shall be a part of the accreditation process. An evaluation team appointed by the NBA will carry out the evaluation of the programme. The evaluation team consists of one (or) two evaluators for each programme and is headed by a Chairperson. The institute shall propose such set of dates for the visit when the regular classes and all academic activities are on.
The final decision made by the NBA will be communicated to the educational institution, together with comments which portray strengths, weaknesses and scope for improvement. In the event that a programme is not accredited, reasons for the decision will also be given. If accreditation is denied and if the educational institution wishes, it may appeal against the decision to the Appellate Committee (AC).
Accreditation of a programme will normally be granted for a specific term based on the recommendations of the concerned Evaluation and Accreditation Committee. If there is uncertainty as to the status, nature or future of the programme, or some weaknesses exist which call for a review at a shorter interval, provisional accreditation may be granted for two academic years.
After accreditation, the institutions are expected to submit their annual self-assessment report to eNBA online. If any aspect of the programme is found to be sufficiently unsatisfactory and/or does not comply with norms, the NBA reserves the right to revoke the accreditation. If necessary, the NBA may appoint a maximum of two members to form an Evaluation Team to act as mentors at the request of institution. The mentor(s) may visit the educational institution at its request for mentoring purposes and provide report to the NBA on their findings for each visit. The educational institution will bear the expenses of the visit and pay honorarium to the mentors as prescribed by the NBA.
All correspondence between the educational Institution and NBA as well as information as to whether a programme from an educational Institution is being considered for accreditation, are to be classified as confidential and may not be released to any unauthorized persons except with the written permission from the educational Institution.
Only Students who graduate during the validity period of accreditation of a course will be deemed to have graduated with an NBA accredited degree.
Commencement of Accreditation Period will be as follows:
In case visit of the Expert Team to an Institute is conducted during 1st July - 31st December, the Period of accreditation would commence from the on-going academic year (i.e. 1st July of that year).
In case visit is conducted between 1st January to 30th June, the accreditation period would be from the next academic year (i.e. 1st July of the next academic year).